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Mathematics Area


Courses of the Academic Year 2010-2011

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Boris Dubrovin Differential geometry (LM, Geometria differenziale 1) 40 h October-June
Alessandro Tanzini Topological string theory 40 h October-June
Ludwik Dabrowski Elements of noncommutative geometry 40 h October-June
Nonlinear Analysis 40 h November 29 - February
Andrea Malchiodi Analisi Superiore 2 for Laurea Magistrale 40 h October - December
Cesare Reina Geometrical aspects of gauge theories (LM, Fisica matematica 1) 40 h October-June
Gregorio Falqui Hamiltonian integrable systems and Lie algebras (LM, Sistemi integrabili) 40 h October-June
Stefano Bianchini Partial Differential Equations (mutuated by the course Analisi Superiore 1 for Laurea Magistrale) 40 h 30 September - 18 December
Andrei Agrachev Topics in sub-Riemannian Geometry 60 h November 29 - March
Giovanni Vidossich Ordinary Differential Equations 60 h 9 November - March
Gianni Dal Maso BV Functions 60 h November 23 - March
B. Fantechi Algebraic geometry 40 h October-June
A. Buckley Complex projective varieties 40 h October-June
Sandro Zagatti Istituzioni di Analisi Superiore A for Laurea Magistrale 40 h 6 October - December
Antonio De Simone Mechanics of Soft and Biological Matter 40 h November 23 - March

Courses of the Academic Year 2009-2010

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Roberta Musina Carraro The 59th Yau problem 20 h March 16-April 21
Massimiliano Morini Calculus of Variations 20 h February 3
Ugo Boscain Introduction to sub-Riemannian geometry 20 h November 11 - December 09
Maria Giovanna Mora Mathematical Theory of Elasticity 20 h March
Gregorio Falqui Hamiltonian integrable systems and Lie algebras 40 h October-June


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