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Connes' Approach to the Standard Model of Particle Physics via Non-Commutative Geometry

S. Farnsworth
Perimeter Institute, Canada
Thursday, November 27, 2014 - 16:00 to 17:30

Connes' notion of non-commutative geometry (NCG) generalizes Riemannian geometry and yields a striking reinterepretation of the standard model of particle physics, coupled to Einstein gravity.  In my talk I suggest a simple reformulation of Connes' approach which resolves a long-standing problem plaguing the NCG construction of the standard model, by precisely eliminating from the action the collection of 7 unwanted terms that previously had to be removed by an extra, non-geometric, assumption. I will also show how this same reformulation yields a new perspective on the symmetries of a given NCG, which offers a new solution to the discrepancy between the observed Higgs mass and the NCG prediction.

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