Monday, January 18, 2016 - 14:00 to Thursday, January 21, 2016 - 12:30
Research Group:
Research Group Internal Classification:
Integrable systems
Additional Information:
The program of the workshop and the list with titles and abstracts of the talks in pdf are avaiable here.
The social dinner will take place on Tuesday from 20:00 at Elefante Bianco in Riva 3 Novembre, 3 (map). For special requests, please contact gcotti@sissa.it
Monday 18
- 14:00-14:45 Simonetta Abenda (Bologna): "Rational degenerations of M-curves, totally positive Grassmannians and KP-solitons"
- 14:50-15:35 Luigi Martina (Lecce): "Structure preserving discretizations of nonlinear PDEs and their numerical tests"
- 15:35-16:00 Coffee break
- 16:00-16:45 Raffaele Vitolo (Lecce): "On the geometry of third-order homogeneous Hamiltonian operators"
- 16:50-17:35 Boris Dubrovin (SISSA): "Integrable PDEs, tau-functions, and topology of moduli spaces"
- 17:45-18:45 Reception
Tuesday 19
- 09:30-10:15 Taras Skrypnyk (Milano Bicocca): "Separation of variables in the Clebsch model"
- 10:15-10:45 Coffee break
- 10:45-11:30 Carlo Carminati (SNS): "Regularity and bifurcation phenomena in simple families of maps"
- 11:35-12:05 Franco Cardin (Padova): "Weak KAM theory and applications"
- Lunch Break
- 14:00-14:45 Ugo Locatelli (Roma 2): "Exploring the feedback of asymmetric jets on the orbital motion in protostellar discs"
- 14:50-15:35 Ian Jauslin (Roma 3): "A Pfaffian formula for monomer-dimer partition function"
- 15:35-16:00 Coffee break
- 16:00-16:45 Rafael Greenblatt (Roma 3): "Singular behaviour of the Lyapunov exponent of a product of random 2 x 2 matrices"
- 16:50-17:35 Giovanni Ortenzi (Milano Bicocca): "On Hamiltonian structures and conservation laws in stratified Euler fluids"
Wednesday 20
- 09:30-10:15 Paolo Lorenzoni (Milano Bicocca): "F-manifolds, multi-flat structures and Painlevé transcendents"
- 10:15-10:45 Coffee break
- 10:45-11:30 Stefano Marmi (SNS): "Interval exchange map: a KAM theorem and regularity"
- 11:35-12:05 Giuseppe Gaeta (Milano Statale): "Speed selection for coupled wave equations"
- Lunch break
- 14:00-14:45 Paolo Maria Santini (Roma 1): "Dispersionless PDEs in multidimensional, and .. all that"
- 14:50-15:20 Clara Nucci (Perugia): "Quantising with Noether symmetries; linearity and superintegrability; unusual Lagrangian systems: an overview"
- 15:25-15:45 Giorgio Gubbiotti (Roma 3): "Nonlinear lattice equations: a non-autonomous generalisation of the Q_V equation"
- 15:45-16:00 Coffee break
- 16:15-16:45 Francesco Fassò (Padova): "Symmetries and integrability in nonholonomic mechanics"
- 16:50-17:20 Livio Pizzocchero (Milano Statale): "Results in two different areas: strong solutions of Navier-Stokes equations and quantum vacuum effects"
- 17:25-17:55 Andrea Carati (Milano Statale): "Perturbation theory for infinite-dimensional systems: an ergodic approach"
Thursday 21
- 09:30-10:15 Alessandro Pizzo (Roma 2): "The construction of the ground state of the Hamiltonian of an interacting Bose gas in the mean field limit"
- 10:15-10:45 Coffee break
- 10:45-11:30 Tamara Grava (SISSA): "Semiclassical limit of focusing NLS, Painlevé-I equation and rational breathers"
- 11:35-12:05 Antonio Ponno (Padova): "Hydrodynamics of the Fermi - Pasta - Ulam problem"
- Raffaele Vitolo (Lecce)
- Luigi Martina (Lecce)
- Paolo Lorenzoni (Milano Bicocca)
- Giovanni Ortenzi (Milano Bicocca)
- Livio Pizzocchero (Milano Statale)
- Andrea Carati (Milano Statale)
- Giuseppe Gaeta (Milano Statale)
- Francesco Fassò (Padova)
- Franco Cardin (Padova)
- Antonio Ponno (Padova)
- Carlo Carminati (Pisa)
- Stefano Marmi (Pisa)
- Ugo Locatelli (Roma 2)
- Alessandro Pizzo (Roma 2)
- Rafael Greenblatt (Roma 3)
- Ian Jauslin (Roma 3)
- Giorgio Gubbiotti (Roma 3)
- Danilo Latini (Roma 3)
- Danilo Riglioni (Roma 3)
- Clara Nucci (Perugia)
- Paolo Santini (Roma 1)
- Davide Guzzetti (SISSA)
- Tamara Grava (SISSA)
- Boris Dubrovin (SISSA)
- Giordano Cotti (SISSA)
- Gregorio Falqui (Milano Bicocca)
- Franco Magri (Milano Bicocca)
- Orlando Ragnisco (Roma 3)
- Taras Skrypnyk (Milano Bicocca)
- Giancarlo Benettin (Padova)
- Guido Gentile (Roma 3)
- Simonetta Abenda (Bologna)
- Giorgio Tondo (Trieste)
- Tiziano Penati (Milano Statale)
- Alberto Maiocchi (Milano Statale)
Boris Dubrovin (SISSA)
Giordano Cotti (SISSA)
Giulio Ruzza (SISSA)
How to reach SISSA:
send a mail to gcotti@sissa.it, giulio.ruzza@sissa.it