Costantino Medori |
Italy |
1996 |
Functional Analysis and Applications |
Professor |
Italy |
Guido Mazzuca |
Italia |
2021 |
Geometry and Mathematical Physics |
Marta Mazzocco |
Italy |
1998 |
Mathematical Physics |
Professor |
United Kingdom |
Tommaso Matteini |
Italy |
2014 |
Geometry |
Non-academic |
Leo Bastien Mathis |
France |
2022 |
Geometry and Mathematical Physics |
Marco Matassa |
Italy |
2014 |
Mathematical Physics |
Postdoc |
Belgium |
Alex Massarenti |
Italy |
2013 |
Geometry |
Assistant Professor |
Italy |
Paolo Mason |
Italy |
2006 |
Applied Mathematics |
Associate Professor |
France |
Davide Masoero |
Italy |
2010 |
Mathematical Physics |
Postdoc |
Portugal |
Andrea Marson |
Italy |
1999 |
Functional Analysis and Applications |
Associate Professor |
Italy |
Carlo Mariconda |
Italy |
1991 |
Functional Analysis and Applications |
Associate Professor |
Italy |
Giovanni Marelli |
Italy |
2001 |
Mathematical Physics |
Associate Professor |
Namibia |
Elio Marconi |
Italy |
2017 |
Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications |
Postdoc |
Switzerland |
Fabio Marconi |
Italy |
2024 |
Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications |
Non-academic |
Cristina Manolache |
Romania |
2009 |
Geometry |
Postdoc |
United Kingdom |
Davide Manini |
Italy |
2023 |
Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications |
Postdoc |
Israel |
Gabriele Mancini |
Italy |
2015 |
Mathematical Analysis |
Assistant Professor |
Italy |
Annalisa Malusa |
Italy |
1995 |
Functional Analysis and Applications |
Associate Professor |
Italy |
Andrea Malchiodi |
Italy |
2000 |
Functional Analysis and Applications |
Professor |
Italy |
Andrea Maiorana |
Italy |
2018 |
Geometry and Mathematical Physics |
Non-academic |
Italy |
Annibale Magni |
Italy |
2009 |
Geometry |
Non-academic |
Germany |
Guido Magnano |
Italy |
1991 |
Mathematical Physics |
Associate Professor |
Italy |
Stefano Maggiolo |
Italy |
2012 |
Geometry |
Non-academic |
United Kingdom |
Adam Marron Magee |
Melbourne, Australia |
2021 |
Geometry and Mathematical Physics |
Emanuele Macri' |
Italy |
2006 |
Geometry |
Professor |
France |
Stefano Luzzatto |
Italy |
1995 |
Functional Analysis and Applications |
Professor |
Italy |
Daniela Lupo |
Italy |
1988 |
Functional Analysis and Applications |
Professor |
Italy |
Elena Lukzen |
Russian Federation |
2022 |
Geometry and Mathematical Physics |
Danka Lučić |
Serbia |
2018 |
Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications |
Postdoc |
Finland |
Paolo Lorenzoni |
Italy |
2002 |
Mathematical Physics |
Associate Professor |
Italy |