You are hereHome MSc Entrance Exams 2018 Research Group: MsC CourseYear: 2018Italian Text: LM_SISSA_2018_ITA.pdfEnglish Text: LM_SISSA_2018_ENG.pdf Search form Search Links Call of interest for positions in mathematics at SISSA Public Calls for Professors Temporary Researchers Temporary Technologists Research Fellowships Open positions in MathLab SISSA Mathematical Fellowships PhD Scolarships SIS Fellowships Pre-PhD Fellowships MSc in Mathematics Master Degree in Data Science and Scientific Computing Professional Master Courses SISSA Mathematics Medals SISSA Springer Series Recent publications M. Gallone; A. Michelangeli; E. Pozzoli, On Geometric Quantum Confineme... A. Michelangeli; A. Ottolini, On point interactions realised... S. Bianchini; A. Dabrowski, Existence and uniqueness of th... B. Dubrovin; T. Grava; C. Klein; A. Moro, On critical behaviour in syste...