Mathematical Analysis, Modelling, and Applications


Courses of the Academic Year 2023-2024

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Elia Bruè Instability and non-uniqueness in fluid dynamics 20 h January
Pasquale Claudio Africa Advanced programming 48 h September - January
Luca Rizzi Advanced Geometry II 50 h October - January
Guido De Philippis Minimal surfaces and the Bernstein problem 20 h November - December
Massimiliano Berti Linear and nonlinear bifurcation problems (Topics in Ad. Analysis 2) 50 h October - December
Daniele Semola Introduction to Optimal Transport 20 h November - December
Giovanni Noselli Topics in continuum mechanics 60 h October - February
Pasquale Claudio Africa Numerical Solution of PDEs Using the Finite Element Method 24 h March 2024
Alberto Maspero Water waves 40 h December - February
Andrea Cangiani Introduction to numerical analysis and scientific computing with python 30 h 11-15 December
Mario Sigalotti Introduction to geometric control 20 h March
Pasquale Claudio Africa High Performance Computing for Data Science 16 h April-May
Massimiliano Morini Level set and variational methods for geometric flows 20 h May - June

Courses of the Academic Year 2022-2023

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Sandro Zagatti Differential equations (Introduction to PDE's) 60 h September - January
Luca Heltai An Introduction to modern tools for collaborative science 12 h October - December
Luca Rizzi Introduction to sub-Riemannian geometry 20 h Octorber-December
Luca Heltai Introduction to numerical analysis and scientific computing with python 30 h December
Alberto Maspero Introduction to dispersive equations 40 h November - January
Stefano Bianchini Topics in advanced analysis 2 48 h October - January
Luca Heltai, Gianluigi Rozza Applied Mathematics: an Introduction to Scientific Computing by Numerical Analysis 48 h October - December


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