Data Update
May you notice any obsolete information about one or more PhD thesis, please contact the current webmaster(s) .
Maria Strazzullo ,
2020-2021 ,
Model Order Reduction for Nonlinear and Time-Dependent Parametric Optimal Flow Control Problems
Related publication(s):
- A Data-Driven Partitioned Approach for the Resolution of Time-Dependent Optimal Control Problems with Dynamic Mode Decomposition (2023)
- Driving bifurcating parametrized nonlinear PDEs by optimal control strategies: application to Navier–Stokes equations with model order reduction (2022)
- Space-time POD-Galerkin approach for parametric flow control (2022)
- Consistency of the full and reduced order models for Evolve-Filter-Relax Regularization of Convection-Dominated, Marginally-Resolved Flows (2021)
- Reduced Order Methods for Parametrized Non-linear and Time Dependent Optimal Flow Control Problems, Towards Applications in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (2021)
- A weighted POD-reduction approach for parametrized PDE-constrained optimal control problems with random inputs and applications to environmental sciences (2021)
- POD–Galerkin Model Order Reduction for Parametrized Time Dependent Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problems in Saddle Point Formulation (2020)
- POD-Galerkin Model Order Reduction for Parametrized Nonlinear Time Dependent Optimal Flow Control: an Application to Shallow Water Equations (2020)
Matteo Zancanaro ,
2020-2021 ,
Model order reduction for compressible turbulent flows: hybrid approaches in physics and geometry parametrization
Related publication(s):
- A segregated reduced order model of a pressure-based solver for turbulent compressible flows (2024)
- Hierarchical model reduction techniques for flow modeling in a parametrized setting (2021)
- Hybrid Neural Network Reduced Order Modelling for Turbulent Flows with Geometric Parameters (2021)
- Efficient Geometrical parametrization for finite-volume based reduced order methods (2020)
Tommaso Rossi ,
2020-2021 ,
Heat content asymptotics in sub-Riemannian geometry
Related publication(s):
- Relative heat content asymptotics in sub-Riemannian manifolds (2024)
- The relative heat content for submanifolds in sub-Riemannian geometry (2021)
- Heat content asymptotics in sub-Riemannian manifolds (2021)
- Integrability of the sub-Riemannian mean curvature at degenerate characteristic points in the Heisenberg group (2021)
Daniele Agostinelli ,
2019-2020 ,
Mathematical models for biological motility: From peristaltic crawling to plant nutations
Related publication(s):
- Nutations in plant shoots: Endogenous and exogenous factors in the presence of mechanical deformations (2021)
- Nutations in growing plant shoots as a morphoelastic flutter instability (2021)
- MicroMotility: State of the art, recent accomplishments and perspectives on the mathematical modeling of bio-motility at microscopic scales (2020)
- Nutations in growing plant shoots: The role of elastic deformations due to gravity loading (2019)
- Peristaltic Waves as Optimal Gaits in Metameric Bio-Inspired Robots (2018)
Ekaterina Mukoseeva ,
2019-2020 ,
Second variation techniques for stability in geometric inequalities
Related publication(s):
Federico Pichi ,
2019-2020 ,
Reduced order models for parametric bifurcation problems in nonlinear PDEs
Related publication(s):
- Model order reduction for bifurcating phenomena in fluid-structure interaction problems (2022)
- Driving bifurcating parametrized nonlinear PDEs by optimal control strategies: application to Navier–Stokes equations with model order reduction (2022)
- Efficient computation of bifurcation diagrams with a deflated approach to reduced basis spectral element method (2020)
- A Reduced Order technique to study bifurcating phenomena: application to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (2020)
- Reduced basis approaches for parametrized bifurcation problems held by non-linear Von Kármán equations (2019)
- Reduced Basis Approximation and A Posteriori Error Estimation: Applications to Elasticity Problems in Several Parametric Settings (2018)
Filippo Riva ,
2019-2020 ,
On the quasistatic limit of some dynamical problems with dissipative terms
Related publication(s):
- A vanishing-inertia analysis for finite-dimensional rate-independent systems with nonautonomous dissipation and an application to soft crawlers (2021)
- On the Approximation of Quasistatic Evolutions for the Debonding of a Thin Film via Vanishing Inertia and Viscosity (2020)
- Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a one dimensional debonding model with damping (2018)
Flavia Santarcangelo ,
2019-2020 ,
Metric measure spaces satisfying curvature-dimension bounds: geometric and analytical properties
Giovanni Corsi ,
2019-2020 ,
Fluid-structure interaction problems involving thin active shells and microswimmers
Related publication(s):
Luca Franzoi ,
2019-2020 ,
Long time dynamics of Hamiltonian PDEs: linear Klein-Gordon and water waves equations
Related publication(s):
Monica Nonino ,
2019-2020 ,
On the application of the Reduced Basis Method to Fluid-Structure Interaction problems
Related publication(s):
- An optimisation–based domain–decomposition reduced order model for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (2023)
- A Reduced Order Cut Finite Element method for geometrically parametrized steady and unsteady Navier–Stokes problems (2021)
- A Monolithic and a Partitioned, Reduced Basis Method for Fluid–Structure Interaction Problems (2021)
Saddam Hijazi ,
2019-2020 ,
Reduced order methods for laminar and turbulent flows in a finite volume setting: projection-based methods and data-driven techniques
Related publication(s):
- Non-intrusive Polynomial Chaos Method Applied to Full-Order and Reduced Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Comparison and Perspectives (2020)
- Data-driven POD-Galerkin reduced order model for turbulent flows (2020)
- The Effort of Increasing Reynolds Number in Projection-Based Reduced Order Methods: from Laminar to Turbulent Flows (2020)
- POD-Galerkin reduced order methods for CFD using Finite Volume Discretisation: vortex shedding around a circular cylinder (2017)
Alaa Aly Elsayed Aly Elshorbagy ,
2018-2019 ,
On the relaxed area of maps from the plane to itself taking three values
Emanuele Tasso ,
2018-2019 ,
Some fine properties of SBV and SBD functions with applications to elastodynamics in domains with growing cracks
Related publication(s):
Giovanni Alzetta ,
2018-2019 ,
Coupling methods for non-matching meshes through distributed Lagrange multipliers
Related publication(s):
Giulia Vescovo ,
2018-2019 ,
Regularity results for minimizers of a charged liquid drop model
Related publication(s):
Maicol Caponi ,
2018-2019 ,
On some mathematical problems in fracture dynamics
Related publication(s):
- An existence result for the fractional Kelvin–Voigt’s model on time-dependent cracked domains (2021)
- A dynamic model for viscoelastic materials with prescribed growing cracks (2020)
- Existence of solutions to a phase–field model of dynamic fracture with a crack–dependent dissipation (2020)
- Energy-dissipation balance of a smooth moving crack (2020)
- Linear Hyperbolic Systems in Domains with Growing Cracks (2017)
- Matteo Gallone , 2018-2019 , Self-adjointness of Quantum Hamiltonians with Symmetries
Noe Angelo Caruso ,
2018-2019 ,
On Krylov Methods in Infinite-dimensional Hilbert Space
Ornela Mulita ,
2018-2019 ,
Smoothed Adaptive Finite Element Methods
Zakia Zainib ,
2018-2019 ,
Reduced order parameterized viscous optimal flow control problems and applications in coronary artery bypass grafts with patient-specific geometrical reconstruction and data assimilation
Related publication(s):
- Reduced Order Methods for Parametrized Non-linear and Time Dependent Optimal Flow Control Problems, Towards Applications in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (2021)
- Reduced order methods for parametric optimal flow control in coronary bypass grafts, toward patient-specific data assimilation (2020)
Danka Lučić ,
2017-2018 ,
Dimension reduction problems in the modelling of hydrogel thin films
Related publication(s):
- The Serre–Swan theorem for normed modules (2019)
- Foldable structures made of hydrogel bilayers (2018)
- Heterogeneous elastic plates with in-plane modulation of the target curvature and applications to thin gel sheets (2018)
- Dimension reduction for thin films with transversally varying prestrain: the oscillatory and the non-oscillatory case (2018)
Enrico Pasqualetto ,
2017-2018 ,
Structural and geometric properties of RCD spaces
Related publication(s):
- Parallel transport on non-collapsed $\mathsfRCD(K,N)$ spaces (2021)
- On master test plans for the space of BV functions (2021)
- Differential structure associated to axiomatic Sobolev spaces (2019)
- Quasi-continuous vector fields on RCD spaces (2019)
- The Serre–Swan theorem for normed modules (2019)
- On the notion of parallel transport on RCD spaces (2018)
- Differential of metric valued Sobolev maps (2018)
- Behaviour of the reference measure on RCD spaces under charts (2016)
- Equivalence of two different notions of tangent bundle on rectifiable metric measure spaces (2016)
Felice Iandoli ,
2017-2018 ,
Local and almost global solutions for fully non-linear Schrödinger equations on the circle
Giuseppe Pitton ,
2017-2018 ,
Numerical study of dispersive shock waves in the KPI equation
Related publication(s):
Ivan Beschastnyi ,
2017-2018 ,
Jacobi Fields in Optimal Control
Raffaele Scandone ,
2017-2018 ,
Non-linear Schrödinger equations with singular perturbations and with rough magnetic potentials
Related publication(s):
- Point-Like Perturbed Fractional Laplacians Through Shrinking Potentials of Finite Range (2019)
- Zero modes and low-energy resolvent expansion for three dimensional Schrodinger operators with point interactions (2019)
- On fractional powers of singular perturbations of the Laplacian (2018)
- Global, finite energy, weak solutions for the NLS with rough, time-dependent magnetic potentials (2018)
- Fractional powers and singular perturbations of quantum differential Hamiltonians (2018)
- On real resonances for the three-dimensional, multi-centre point interaction (2018)
- Singular Hartree equation in fractional perturbed Sobolev spaces (2018)
- Lp-Boundedness of Wave Operators for the Three-Dimensional Multi-Centre Point Interaction (2018)
- Dispersive Estimates for Schrödinger Operators with Point Interactions in ℝ3 (2017)
Shafqat Ali ,
2017-2018 ,
Stabilized reduced basis methods for the approximation of parametrized viscous flows
Carolina Biolo ,
2016-2017 ,
Switching in time-optimal problem
Chiara Rigoni ,
2016-2017 ,
Cohomology and other analytical aspects of RCD spaces
Related publication(s):