Data Update
May you notice any obsolete information about one or more PhD thesis, please contact the current webmaster(s) .
Virginia De Cicco ,
1991-1992 ,
Some Lower Semicontinuity and Relaxation Results for Functionals Defined on BV (Ω)
Andrea Posilicano ,
1990-1991 ,
Capacity Methods in the Study of Convergence of Diffusions
Carlo Mariconda ,
1990-1991 ,
Some Non-Convex Problems of the Calculus of Variatons
Arrigo Cellina
- Enrico Serra , 1990-1991 , Dynamical Systems with Singular Potentials: Existence and Qualitative Properties of Periodic Motions
Francesco Fassò ,
1990-1991 ,
Fast Rotation of the Rigid Body and Hamiltonian Perturbation Theory
Giancarlo Benettin
Guido Magnano ,
1990-1991 ,
Poisson-Nijenhuis Structure and Sato Hierarchy
Marco Reni ,
1990-1991 ,
The Role of Graphs of Groups in 3-Dimensional Geometry
Bruno Zimmermann
Massimo Grossi ,
1990-1991 ,
The Mixed Boundary Value Problem for Elliptic Equations with Critical Nonlinearity
Filomena Pacella
Ugo Moschella ,
1990-1991 ,
Infrared Structures and Symmetry Breaking in Simple Gauge Like Quantum Field Theories
Franco Strocchi
Anna Capietto ,
1989-1990 ,
Continuation Theorems for the Existence of Periodic Solutions to First Order Differential Systems
Armando Bartolome' Bernui ,
1989-1990 ,
Radiation Damping in Closed Universes
Gregorio Falqui ,
1989-1990 ,
Moduli Spaces and Geometrical Aspects of Two-dimensional Conformal Field Theories
Susanna Terracini ,
1989-1990 ,
Periodic Solution to Singular Dynamical Systems with Keplerian Type Potentials
Ivar Ekeland
Valeria Chiadò Piat ,
1989-1990 ,
G-Convergence and Homogenization of Monotone Operators
Vasile Staicu ,
1989-1990 ,
Well Posedness for Differential Inclusions
Arrigo Cellina
Alessandro Teta ,
1988-1989 ,
Singular Perturbations of the Laplacian and Connections with Models of Random Media
Franco Rampazzo ,
1988-1989 ,
Impulsive Control Systems: Dynamics, Optimization Problems, and Applications to Mechanics
Advisor(s):Arrigo Cellina
Julian Janus ,
1988-1989 ,
Singular Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems for Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations
Józef Myjak
Alessandro Fonda ,
1987-1988 ,
Existence and Multiplicity Results for Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems by the Use of Topological and Variational Methods
Jean Mahwin
Anneliese Defranceschi ,
1987-1988 ,
Asymptotic Analysis for Dirichlet problems on Varying Domains
Antonio Ornelas - Goncalves ,
1987-1988 ,
Nonconvex Problems for Differential Inclusions
Arrigo Cellina
Daniela Lupo ,
1987-1988 ,
Existence and Multiplicity Results for Nonlinear Dirichlet Problems
Sergio Solimini
Fabio Benatti ,
1987-1988 ,
Quantum Dynamical Entropy and Entropic Dimension
Heide Narnhofer
Franic Ikechukwu Njoku ,
1987-1988 ,
On Positive Solutions of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems
Gabriella Paderni ,
1987-1988 ,
Asymptotic Analysis for Some Variational Problems with Constraints
Giovanni Colombo ,
1987-1988 ,
Non-Convex Problems for Multifunctions
Arrigo Cellina
Giovanni Landi ,
1987-1988 ,
An Algebraic Setting for Gauge Theories
Giuseppe Marmo
Michele Balzano ,
1987-1988 ,
Limit Analysis of Some Stochastic Variational Problems
Noureddine Chair ,
1987-1988 ,
Geometrical Aspects of Non-linear sigma-model and String Theory
Roberta Musina Carraro ,
1987-1988 ,
Variational Problems with Obstructions
Giovanni Mancini