Data Update
May you notice any obsolete information about one or more PhD thesis, please contact the current webmaster(s) .
Riccardo Scala ,
2013-2014 ,
A variational approach to statics and dynamics of elasto-plastic systems
Related publication(s):
- Limit of viscous dynamic processes in delamination as the viscosity and inertia vanish (2017)
- Currents and dislocations at the continuum scale (2016)
- A compatible-incompatible decomposition of symmetric tensors in Lp with application to elasticity (2015)
- Quasistatic Evolution in Perfect Plasticity as Limit of Dynamic Processes (2014)
- Dislocations at the continuum scale: functional setting and variational properties (2014)
Tommaso Matteini ,
2013-2014 ,
Holomorphically symplectic varieties with Prym Lagrangian fibrations
Alessandro Zucca ,
2012-2013 ,
Dirac Operators on Quantum Principal G-Bundles
Alessio Lo Giudice ,
2012-2013 ,
Some topics on Higgs bundles over projective varieties and their moduli spaces
Alex Massarenti ,
2012-2013 ,
Biregular and Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties
Advisor(s):Massimiliano Mella
Andrea Pustetto ,
2012-2013 ,
Semistability and Decorated Bundles
Fabio Tanturri ,
2012-2013 ,
On degeneracy loci of morphisms between vector bundles
Advisor(s):Emilia Mezzetti
Flaviana Iurlano ,
2012-2013 ,
An Approximation Result for Generalised Functions of Bounded Deformation and Applications to Damage Problems
Related publication(s):
- A density result for GSBD and its application to the approximation of brittle fracture energies (2014)
- Fracture models as Gamma-limits of damage models (2013)
- Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation of cohesive fracture models in linearized elasticity (2013)
- Fracture and plastic models as Gamma-limits of damage models under different regimes (2011)
- New approximation results for free discontinuity problems (2010)
Gharchia Abdellaoui ,
2012-2013 ,
Topology of moduli spaces of framed sheaves
Lei Yu ,
2012-2013 ,
The structure and regularity of admissible BV solutions to hyperbolic conservation laws in one space dimension
Related publication(s):
- Structure of entropy solutions to general scalar conservation laws in one space dimension (2014)
- Global Structure of Admissible BV Solutions to Piecewise Genuinely Nonlinear, Strictly Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in One Space Dimension (2014)
- SBV-like regularity for general hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in one space dimension (2012)
Marco Bonacini ,
2012-2013 ,
Minimality and stability results for a class of free-discontinuity and nonlocal isoperimetric problems
Related publication(s):
- Stable regular critical points of the Mumford-Shah functional are local minimizers (2015)
- Local and global minimality results for a nonlocal isoperimetric problem on R^N (2014)
- Stability of equilibrium configurations for elastic films in two and three dimensions (2014)
- Epitaxially strained elastic films: the case of anisotropic surface energies (2013)
Mattia Pedrini ,
2012-2013 ,
Moduli spaces of framed sheaves on stacky ALE spaces, deformed partition functions and the AGT conjecture
Riccardo Lena ,
2012-2013 ,
On the desingularization of Kahler orbifolds with constant scalar curvature
Claudio Arezzo
Simone Racca ,
2012-2013 ,
Some models of crack growth in brittle materials
Related publication(s):
Alberto Boscaggin ,
2011-2012 ,
Periodic solutions to planar Hamiltonian systems: high multiplicity and chaotic dynamics
Related publication(s):
- Subharmonic solutions for nonlinear second order equations in presence of lower and upper solutions (2013)
- Pairs of nodal solutions for a class of nonlinear problems with one-sided growth conditions (2013)
- Planar Hamiltonian systems at resonance: the Ahmad–Lazer–Paul condition (2013)
- Periodic solutions to superlinear planar Hamiltonian systems (2012)
- Pairs of positive periodic solutions of second order nonlinear equations with indefinite weight (2012)
- Positive periodic solutions of second order nonlinear equations with indefinite weight: Multiplicity results and complex dynamics (2012)
- One-signed harmonic solutions and sign-changing subharmonic solutions to scalar second order differential equations (2012)
- Resonance and rotation numbers for planar Hamiltonian systems: Multiplicity results via the Poincaré–Birkhoff theorem (2011)
- A note on a superlinear indefinite Neumann problem with multiple positive solutions (2011)
- Subharmonic solutions of planar Hamiltonian systems: a rotation number approach (2011)
- Subharmonic solutions of planar Hamiltonian systems via the Poincaré́-Birkhoff theorem (2011)
Andrea Sfecci ,
2011-2012 ,
Some existence results for boundary value problems - A promenade along resonance
Related publication(s):
- Periodic bouncing solutions for nonlinear impact oscillators (2013)
- A general method for the existence of periodic solutions of differential systems in the plane (2012)
- Periodic solutions of a system of coupled oscillators with one-sided superlinear retraction forces (2012)
- A nonresonance condition for radial solutions of a nonlinear Neumann elliptic problem (2012)
Claudio Luigi Stefano Rava ,
2011-2012 ,
ADHM data for framed sheaves on Hirzebruch surfaces
Advisor(s):Claudio Bartocci
Elisa Davoli ,
2011-2012 ,
Thin structures in nonlinear elasticity and in plasticity: a variational approach
Related publication(s):
- Linearized plastic plate models as Γ-limits of 3D finite elastoplasticity (2014)
- Quasistatic evolution models for thin plates arising as low energy Γ-limits of finite plasticity (2014)
- A quasistatic evolution model for perfectly plastic plates derived by Γ-convergence (2013)
- Thin-walled beams with a cross-section of arbitrary geometry: derivation of linear theories starting from 3D nonlinear elasticity (2011)
Emanuele Parodi ,
2011-2012 ,
Classification problems for Hamiltonian evolutionary equations and their discretizations
Flavia Poma ,
2011-2012 ,
Gromov-Witten theory of tame Deligne-Mumford stacks in mixed characteristic
Advisor(s):Angelo Vistoli
Francesco Fanelli ,
2011-2012 ,
Mathematical analysis of models of non-homogeneous fluids and of hyperbolic equations with low regularity coefficients
Advisor(s):Ferruccio Colombini, Raphaël Danchin
Related publication(s):
Giacomo Dossena ,
2011-2012 ,
Some aspects of spinors: classical and noncommutative
Matteo Tommasini ,
2011-2012 ,
The Hodge-Deligne polynomials of some moduli spaces of coherent systems
Peter Newstead
Maurizio Garrione ,
2011-2012 ,
Existence and multiplicity of solutions to boundary value problems associated with nonlinear first order planar systems
Related publication(s):
- Planar Hamiltonian systems at resonance: the Ahmad–Lazer–Paul condition (2013)
- Generalized Sturm-Liouville boundary conditions for first order differential systems in the plane (2013)
- Resonance at the first eigenvalue for first-order systems in the plane: vanishing Hamiltonians and the Landesman-Lazer condition (2012)
- Double resonance with Landesman–Lazer conditions for planar systems of ordinary differential equations (2011)
- Resonance and rotation numbers for planar Hamiltonian systems: Multiplicity results via the Poincaré–Birkhoff theorem (2011)
- Nonlinear resonance: a comparison between Landesman-Lazer and Ahmad-Lazer-Paul conditions (2011)
- Resonance and Landesman-Lazer conditions for first order systems in R^2 (2011)
Pietro Giavedoni ,
2011-2012 ,
Topics on multiphase solutions of the nonlinear Schroedinger Equation
Rayhane Karbalaii Ghomi ,
2011-2012 ,
Entanglement witnessing based on positive maps: characterization of a class of bipartite n × n qubit systems
Serena Dipierro ,
2011-2012 ,
Concentration phenomena for singularly perturbed elliptic problems and related topics
Related publication(s):
- Existence and symmetry results for a Schrodinger type problem involving the fractional Laplacian (2013)
- Concentration of solutions for a singularly perturbed mixed problem in non-smooth domains (2013)
- Asymptotics of the s-perimeter as s →0 (2012)
- Concentration of solutions for a singularly perturbed Neumann problem in non-smooth domains (2011)
Sergio Andres Holguin Cardona ,
2011-2012 ,
Approximate Hermitian-Yang-Mills structures and semistability for Higgs bundles
Stefano Maggiolo ,
2011-2012 ,
On the automorphism group of certain algebraic varieties
Advisor(s):Rita Pardini
Stefano Romano ,
2011-2012 ,
Special Frobenius structures on Hurwitz spaces and applications