Title | Hamiltonian formalism of Whitham-type hierarchies and topological Landau - Ginsburg models |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1992 |
Authors | Dubrovin, B |
Journal | Communications in Mathematical Physics. Volume 145, Issue 1, March 1992, Pages 195-207 |
Abstract | We show that the bi-hamiltonian structure of the averaged Gelfand-Dikii\\r\\nhierarchy is involved in the Landau-Ginsburg topological models (for An-Series):\\r\\nthe Casimirs for the first P.B. give the correct coupling parameters for the perturbed\\r\\ntopological minimal model; the correspondence {coupling parameters} ~ {primary\\r\\nfields} is determined by the second P.B. The partition function (at the tree level) and\\r\\nthe chiral algebra for LG models are calculated for any genus g. |
URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1963/6476 |
DOI | 10.1007/BF02099286 |
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