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Homogeneous binary trees as ground states of quantum critical Hamiltonians

TitleHomogeneous binary trees as ground states of quantum critical Hamiltonians
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsSilvi, P, Giovannetti, V, Montangero, S, Rizzi, M, Cirac, JI, Fazio, R
JournalPhys. Rev. A 81 (2010) 062335

Many-body states whose wave-function admits a representation in terms of a uniform binary-tree tensor decomposition are shown to obey to power-law two-body correlations functions. Any such state can be associated with the ground state of a translational invariant Hamiltonian which, depending on the dimension of the systems sites, involve at most couplings between third-neighboring sites. A detailed analysis of their spectra shows that they admit an exponentially large ground space.

Alternate JournalCritical properties of homogeneous binary trees

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