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Inverse Problem and Monodromy Data for Three-Dimensional Frobenius Manifolds

TitleInverse Problem and Monodromy Data for Three-Dimensional Frobenius Manifolds
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsGuzzetti, D
JournalMathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 4: 245–291, 2001
KeywordsFrobenius Manifolds, Painleve Equations, Isomonodromy deformations

We study the inverse problem for semi-simple Frobenius manifolds of dimension 3 and we\r\nexplicitly compute a parametric form of the solutions of theWDVV equations in terms of Painlevé VI\r\ntranscendents. We show that the solutions are labeled by a set of monodromy data. We use our parametric\r\nform to explicitly construct polynomial and algebraic solutions and to derive the generating\r\nfunction of Gromov–Witten invariants of the quantum cohomology of the two-dimensional projective\r\nspace. The procedure is a relevant application of the theory of isomonodromic deformations.


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