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A spectral element reduced basis method for navier–stokes equations with geometric variations

TitleA spectral element reduced basis method for navier–stokes equations with geometric variations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsHess, MW, Quaini, A, Rozza, G
JournalLecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering

We consider the Navier-Stokes equations in a channel with a narrowing of varying height. The model is discretized with high-order spectral element ansatz functions, resulting in 6372 degrees of freedom. The steady-state snapshot solutions define a reduced order space through a standard POD procedure. The reduced order space allows to accurately and efficiently evaluate the steady-state solutions for different geometries. In particular, we detail different aspects of implementing the reduced order model in combination with a spectral element discretization. It is shown that an expansion in element-wise local degrees of freedom can be combined with a reduced order modelling approach to enhance computational times in parametric many-query scenarios.


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