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Nobili F, Violo IYuri. Rigidity and almost rigidity of Sobolev inequalities on compact spaces with lower Ricci curvature bounds. 2021 .
De Philippis G, Marini M, Mukoseeva E. The sharp quantitative isocapacitary inequality. Revista Matematica Iberoamericana [Internet]. 2021 ;37(6):2191 - 2228. Available from:
Mukoseeva E. The sharp quantitative isocapacitary inequality (the case of p-capacity). Advances in Calculus of Variations [Internet]. 2021 . Available from:
Giani S, Grubisic L, Heltai L, Mulita O. Smoothed-adaptive perturbed inverse iteration for elliptic eigenvalue problems. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics. 2021 ;21:385-405.
Saracco G. A sufficient criterion to determine planar self-Cheeger sets. J. Convex Anal. [Internet]. 2021 ;28(3):951--958. Available from:
Demo N, Tezzele M, Rozza G. A supervised learning approach involving active subspaces for an efficient genetic algorithm in high-dimensional optimization problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2021 ;43(3). Available from:
Berti M, Franzoi L, Maspero A. Traveling quasi-periodic water waves with constant vorticity. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. [Internet]. 2021 ;240:99–202. Available from:
Bachmann S, Lange M. Trotter product formulae for $*$-automorphisms of quantum lattice systems. 2021 .
Cianci F, Dal Maso G. Uniqueness and continuous dependence for a viscoelastic problem with memory in domains with time dependent cracks. [Internet]. 2021 . Available from:
Gidoni P, Riva F. A vanishing-inertia analysis for finite-dimensional rate-independent systems with nonautonomous dissipation and an application to soft crawlers. [Internet]. 2021 ;60(5):191. Available from:
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Fonda A, Klun G, Sfecci A. Well-Ordered and Non-Well-Ordered Lower and Upper Solutions for Periodic Planar Systems. Advanced Nonlinear Studies [Internet]. 2021 ;21(2):397 - 419. Available from:
Rozza G, Malik MH, Demo N, Tezzele M, Girfoglio M, Stabile G, Mola A. Advances in reduced order methods for parametric industrial problems in computational fluid dynamics. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018. ; 2020. Available from:
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Rozza G, Hess MW, Stabile G, Tezzele M, Ballarin F. Basic ideas and tools for projection-based model reduction of parametric partial differential equations. In: Model Order Reduction, Volume 2 Snapshot-Based Methods and Algorithms. Model Order Reduction, Volume 2 Snapshot-Based Methods and Algorithms. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter; 2020. pp. 1 - 47. Available from:
Stabile G, Rosic B. Bayesian identification of a projection-based reduced order model for computational fluid dynamics. Computers & Fluids. 2020 ;201:104477.
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Arndt D, Bangerth W, Davydov D, Heister T, Heltai L, Kronbichler M, Maier M, Pelteret J-P, Turcksin B, Wells D. The deal.II finite element library: Design, features, and insights. Computers and Mathematics with Applications [Internet]. 2020 . Available from:
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