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Propagating geometry information to finite element computations. Transactions on Mathematical Software. 2021 ;47(4):1--30.
. PyGeM: Python Geometrical Morphing. Software Impacts. 2021 ;7:100047.
. Ship Sinkage and Trim Predictions Based on a CAD Interfaced Fully Nonlinear Potential Model. In: The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Vol. 3. The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers; 2016. pp. 511–518.
. SRTP 2.0 - The evolution of the safe return to port concept. In: Technology and Science for the Ships of the Future - Proceedings of NAV 2018: 19th International Conference on Ship and Maritime Research. Technology and Science for the Ships of the Future - Proceedings of NAV 2018: 19th International Conference on Ship and Maritime Research. ; 2018.
. A stable and adaptive semi-Lagrangian potential model for unsteady and nonlinear ship-wave interactions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 37(1):128 – 143, 2013. [Internet]. 2013 . Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1963/5669
. A stable semi-lagrangian potential method for the simulation of ship interaction with unsteady and nonlinear waves. In: 17th Int. Conf. Ships Shipp. Res. 17th Int. Conf. Ships Shipp. Res. ; 2012.
. A three-dimensional model for the dynamics and hydrodynamics of rowing boats. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology [Internet]. 2010 ;224:51-61. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1243/17543371jset46
. Wet and Dry Transom Stern Treatment for Unsteady and Nonlinear Potential Flow Model for Naval Hydrodynamics Simulations. Journal of Ship Research. 2017 ;61:1–14.
. π-BEM : A flexible parallel implementation for adaptive , geometry aware , and high order boundary element methods. Advances in Engineering Software. 2018 ;121:39–58.