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Arndt D, Bangerth W, Clevenger TC, Davydov D, Fehling M, Garcia-Sanchez D, Harper G, Heister T, Heltai L, Kronbichler M, et al. The deal.II Library, Version 9.1. Journal of Numerical Mathematics. 2019 .
Arndt D, Bangerth W, Clevenger TC, Davydov D, Fehling M, Garcia-Sanchez D, Harper G, Heister T, Heltai L, Kronbichler M, et al. The deal.II Library, Version 9.1. Journal of Numerical Mathematics. 2019 .
Alzetta G, Arndt D, Bangerth W, Boddu V, Brands B, Davydov D, Gassmöller R, Heister T, Heltai L, Kormann K, et al. The deal.II Library, Version 9.0. JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS [Internet]. 2018 . Available from:
Arndt D, Bangerth W, Davydov D, Heister T, Heltai L, Kronbichler M, Maier M, Pelteret J-P, Turcksin B, Wells D. The deal.II Library, Version 8.5. JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS [Internet]. 2017 ;25:137–145. Available from:
Bangerth W, Davydov D, Heister T, Heltai L, Kanschat G, Kronbichler M, Maier M, Turcksin B, Wells D. The deal.II library, Version 8.4. JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS [Internet]. 2016 ;24:135–141. Available from: heister/preprints/deal84-preprint.pdf
Arndt D, Bangerth W, Davydov D, Heister T, Heltai L, Kronbichler M, Maier M, Pelteret J-P, Turcksin B, Wells D. The deal.II finite element library: Design, features, and insights. Computers and Mathematics with Applications [Internet]. 2020 . Available from:
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