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Dell'Antonio G, Figari R, Teta A. Statistics in space dimension two. Lett. Math. Phys. 40 (1997), no. 3, 235-256 [Internet]. 1997 . Available from:
Dubrovin B, Flickinger R, Segur H. Three-Phase Solutions of the Kadomtsev - Petviashvili Equation. Studies in Applied Mathematics. Year : 1997 ; Volume: 99 ; Issue: 2 ; Pages: 137-203 [Internet]. 1997 . Available from:
Dal Maso G. Capacity and Dirichlet problems in varying domains. [Internet]. 1995 . Available from:
Dell'Antonio G. Classical solutions for a perturbed N-body system. Topological nonlinear analysis, II (Frascati, 1995), 1--86, Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., 27, Birkhauser Boston, Boston, MA, 1997 [Internet]. 1995 . Available from:
Dubrovin B. Geometry of 2D topological field theories. In: Integrable systems and quantum groups : lectures given at the 1st session of the Centro internazionale matematico estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 14-22, 1995 / R. Donagi, B. Dubrovin, E. Frenkel.. [et al.] ; editors, M. Francavig. Integrable systems and quantum groups : lectures given at the 1st session of the Centro internazionale matematico estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 14-22, 1995 / R. Donagi, B. Dubrovin, E. Frenkel.. [et al.] ; editors, M. Francavig. SISSA; 1995. Available from:
Bellettini G, Coscia A, Dal Maso G. Special functions of bounded deformation. [Internet]. 1995 . Available from:
Dubrovin B. Dispersion relations for non-linear waves and the Schottky problem. In: Important developments in soliton theory / A. S. Fokas, V. E. Zakharov (eds.) - Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1993. - pages : 86-98. Important developments in soliton theory / A. S. Fokas, V. E. Zakharov (eds.) - Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1993. - pages : 86-98. SISSA; 1993. Available from:
Dubrovin B. Geometry and integrability of topological-antitopological fusion. Communications in Mathematical Physics. Volume 152, Issue 3, March 1993, Pages 539-564 [Internet]. 1993 . Available from:
Dubrovin B. Integrable systems and classification of 2D topological field theories. In: Integrable systems : the Verdier memorial conference : actes du colloque international de Luminy / Olivier Babelon, Pierre Cartier, Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach editors. - Boston [etc.] : Birkhauser, c1993. - p. 313-359. Integrable systems : the Verdier memorial conference : actes du colloque international de Luminy / Olivier Babelon, Pierre Cartier, Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach editors. - Boston [etc.] : Birkhauser, c1993. - p. 313-359. SISSA; 1993. Available from:
Dubrovin B. Topological conformal field theory from the point of view of integrable systems. In: Integrable quantum field theories / edited by L. Bonora .. \et al.! - New York : Plenum Press, 1993. - page : 283 - 302. Integrable quantum field theories / edited by L. Bonora .. \et al.! - New York : Plenum Press, 1993. - page : 283 - 302. SISSA; 1993. Available from:
Dell'Antonio G. Workshop on point interactions, Trieste, 21-23 December 1992. [Internet]. 1993 . Available from:
Dubrovin B. Hamiltonian formalism of Whitham-type hierarchies and topological Landau - Ginsburg models. Communications in Mathematical Physics. Volume 145, Issue 1, March 1992, Pages 195-207 [Internet]. 1992 . Available from:
Dubrovin B. Integrable systems in topological field theory. Nuclear Physics B. Volume 379, Issue 3, 1992, pages : 627-689 [Internet]. 1992 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Morel J-M, Solimini S. A variational method in image segmentation: existence and approximation result. Acta Math. 168 (1992), no.1-2, p. 89-151 [Internet]. 1992 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Defranceschi A. Correctors for the homogeneization of monotone operators. Differential Integral Equations 3 (1990), no.6, p.1151-1166. [Internet]. 1990 . Available from:
Dal Maso G, Defranceschi A. Correctors for the homogeneization of monotone operators. Differential Integral Equations 3 (1990), no.6, p.1151-1166. [Internet]. 1990 . Available from:
Chiadò Piat V, Dal Maso G, Defranceschi A. G-convergence of monotone operators. Ann. Inst. H. Poincare\\\' Anal. Non Linére 7 (1990), no. 3, 123-160 [Internet]. 1990 . Available from:


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