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Journal Article
Chen P, Quarteroni A, Rozza G. A weighted empirical interpolation method: A priori convergence analysis and applications. [Internet]. 2014 . Available from:
.Venturi L, Ballarin F, Rozza G. A Weighted POD Method for Elliptic PDEs with Random Inputs. Journal of Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2019 ;81:136-153. Available from:
Carere G, Strazzullo M, Ballarin F, Rozza G, Stevenson R. A weighted POD-reduction approach for parametrized PDE-constrained optimal control problems with random inputs and applications to environmental sciences. Computers and Mathematics with Applications [Internet]. 2021 ;102:261-276. Available from:
Chen P, Quarteroni A, Rozza G. A weighted reduced basis method for elliptic partial differential equations with random input data. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 2013 ;51:3163–3185.
Venturi L, Torlo D, Ballarin F, Rozza G. Weighted Reduced Order Methods for Parametrized Partial Differential Equations with Random Inputs. PoliTO Springer Series [Internet]. 2019 :27-40. Available from:
Hess MW, Quaini A, Rozza G. Data-Driven Enhanced Model Reduction for Bifurcating Models in Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2022 .
Hess MW, Quaini A, Rozza G. A Data-Driven Surrogate Modeling Approach for Time-Dependent Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Manifold Interpolation. 2022 .
Meneghetti L, Demo N, Rozza G. A Dimensionality Reduction Approach for Convolutional Neural Networks. 2021 .
Giuliani N, Hess MW, DeSimone A, Rozza G. MicroROM: An Efficient and Accurate Reduced Order Method to Solve Many-Query Problems in Micro-Motility. [Internet]. 2020 . Available from:
Papapicco D, Demo N, Girfoglio M, Stabile G, Rozza G. The Neural Network shifted-Proper Orthogonal Decomposition: a Machine Learning Approach for Non-linear Reduction of Hyperbolic Equations. 2021 .
Nonino M, Ballarin F, Rozza G, Maday Y. Projection based semi–implicit partitioned Reduced Basis Method for non parametrized and parametrized Fluid–Structure Interaction problems. 2022 .
Prusak I, Torlo D, Nonino M, Rozza G. A time-adaptive algorithm for pressure dominated flows: a heuristic estimator. [Internet]. 2024 . Available from:
Romor F, Stabile G, Rozza G. Explicable hyper-reduced order models on nonlinearly approximated solution manifolds of compressible and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.; 2023.
Ballarin F, Faggiano E, Ippolito S, Manzoni A, Quarteroni A, Rozza G, Scrofani R. Fast simulations of patient-specific haemodynamics of coronary artery bypass grafts based on a POD-Galerkin method and a vascular shape parametrization.; 2015. Available from:
Ballarin F, Faggiano E, Manzoni A, Rozza G, Quarteroni A, Ippolito S, Scrofani R, Antona C. A fast virtual surgery platform for many scenarios haemodynamics of patient-specific coronary artery bypass grafts. Submitted; 2016. Available from:
Romor F, Torlo D, Rozza G. Friedrichs' systems discretized with the Discontinuous Galerkin method: domain decomposable model order reduction and Graph Neural Networks approximating vanishing viscosity solutions.; 2023.
Ngan VEric Brice, Stabile G, Mola A, Rozza G. A hybrid reduced-order model for segregated fluid-structure interaction solvers in an ALE approach at high Reynolds number.; 2024.
Salmoiraghi F, Ballarin F, Heltai L, Rozza G. Isogeometric analysis-based reduced order modelling for incompressible linear viscous flows in parametrized shapes. Springer, AMOS Advanced Modelling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences; 2016. Available from:
Prusak I, Torlo D, Nonino M, Rozza G. Optimisation–Based Coupling of Finite Element Model and Reduced Order Model for Computational Fluid Dynamics.; 2024.
Lassila T, Manzoni A, Quarteroni A, Rozza G. A Reduced Computational and Geometrical Framework for Inverse Problems in Haemodynamics. SISSA; 2013.
Ngan VEric Brice, Stabile G, Mola A, Rozza G. A reduced-order model for segregated fluid-structure interaction solvers based on an ALE approach.; 2022.
Lassila T, Manzoni A, Quarteroni A, Rozza G. A reduced-order strategy for solving inverse Bayesian identification problems in physiological flows. SISSA; 2013.
Lassila T, Manzoni A, Rozza G. Reduction Strategies for Shape Dependent Inverse Problems in Haemodynamics. SISSA; 2013.
Zancanaro M, Ngan VEric Brice, Stabile G, Rozza G. A segregated reduced order model of a pressure-based solver for turbulent compressible flows.; 2024.


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