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Berti M, Maspero A, Ventura P. First isola of modulational instability of Stokes waves in deep water.; 2024. Available from:
Agostiniani V, DeSimone A, Lucantonio A, Lučić D. Foldable structures made of hydrogel bilayers.; 2018.
Beretti T, Gennaioli L. Fourier transform of BV functions, isoperimetry, and discrepancy theory.; 2024.
Romor F, Torlo D, Rozza G. Friedrichs' systems discretized with the Discontinuous Galerkin method: domain decomposable model order reduction and Graph Neural Networks approximating vanishing viscosity solutions.; 2023.
Antonić N, Erceg M, Michelangeli A. Friedrichs systems in a Hilbert space framework: solvability and multiplicity.; 2017. Available from:
Heltai L, Roy S, Costanzo F. A Fully Coupled Immersed Finite Element Method for Fluid Structure Interaction via the Deal.II Library. SISSA; 2012. Available from:
Cagnetti F, Dal Maso G, Scardia L, Zeppieri CI. Gamma-Convergence of Free-discontinuity problems. SISSA; 2017. Available from:
Han X, Landi G. On the gauge group of Galois objects.; 2020. Available from:
Falqui G, Pedroni M. Gel\\\'fand-Zakharevich Systems and Algebraic Integrability: the Volterra Lattice Revisited.; 2005. Available from:
Gigli N, Marconi F. A general splitting principle on RCD spaces and applications to spaces with positive spectrum.; 2023.
Gallone M, Michelangeli A, Pozzoli E. On Geometric Quantum Confinement in Grushin-Like Manifolds.; 2018. Available from:
De Nittis G, Panati G. The geometry emerging from the symmetries of a quantum system.; 2010. Available from:
Bianchini S. Glimm interaction functional for BGK schemes.; 2006. Available from:
Michelangeli A. Global well-posedness of the magnetic Hartree equation with non-Strichartz external fields. SISSA; 2015. Available from:
Dubrovin B. On Hamiltonian perturbations of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, II: universality of critical behaviour.; 2006. Available from:
Boscain U, Sigalotti M. High-order angles in almost-Riemannian geometry.; 2007. Available from:
Bruzzo U, Rubtsov V. Holomorphic equivariant cohomology of Atiyah algebroids and localization.; 2009. Available from:
Matias J, Morandotti M, Santos PM. Homogenization of functional with linear growth in the context of A-quasiconvexity. SISSA; 2014. Available from:
Matias J, Morandotti M. Homogenization problems in the Calculus of Variations: an overview. SISSA; 2015. Available from:
Ngan VEric Brice, Stabile G, Mola A, Rozza G. A hybrid reduced-order model for segregated fluid-structure interaction solvers in an ALE approach at high Reynolds number.; 2024.
Gallone M, Michelangeli A. Hydrogenoid Spectra with Central Perturbations.; 2018. Available from:
Bressan A, Priuli FS. Infinite Horizon Noncooperative Differential Games.; 2006. Available from:
Berti M, Corsi L, Maspero A, Ventura P. Infinitely many isolas of modulational instability for Stokes waves.; 2024.
Bruzzo U, Poghossian R, Tanzini A. Instanton counting on Hirzebruch surfaces.; 2008. Available from:
Bonelli G, Maruyoshi K, Tanzini A. Instantons on ALE spaces and Super Liouville Conformal Field Theories. SISSA; 2011. Available from:


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