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Ronzani M. Instanton counting on compact manifolds. [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
War KMbacke. Integrability of continuous bundles and applications to dynamical systems. 2016 .
Türeli S. Integrability of Continuous Tangent Sub-bundles. [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
Modena S. Interaction functionals, Glimm approximations and Lagrangian structure of BV solutions for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservations Laws. [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
Barilari D. Invariants, volumes and heat kernels in sub-Riemannian geometry. [Internet]. 2011 . Available from:
Montalto R. KAM for quasi-linear and fully nonlinear perturbations of Airy and KdV equations. [Internet]. 2014 . Available from:
Cicconofri G. Mathematical Models of Locomotion: Legged Crawling, Snake-like Motility, and Flagellar Swimming. 2015 .
Bonacini M. Minimality and stability results for a class of free-discontinuity and nonlocal isoperimetric problems. 2013 .
Falqui G. Moduli Spaces and Geometrical Aspects of Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theories. [Internet]. 1990 . Available from:
Casati M. Multidimensional Poisson Vertex Algebras and Poisson cohomology of Hamiltonian operators of hydrodynamic type. 2015 .
Iurlano F. New approximation results for free discontinuity problems. Università degli Studi di Trieste and SISSA. 2010 .
D'Andrea F. Noncommutative geometry and quantum group symmetries. [Internet]. 2007 . Available from:
Matassa M. Non-commutative integration for spectral triples associated to quantum groups. 2014 .
Merzi D. Normal matrix models and orthogonal polynomials for a class of potentials with discrete rotational symmetries. 2015 .
Negri M. Numerical Methods for Free-Discontinuity Problems Based on Approximations by Γ-Convergence. [Internet]. 2001 . Available from:
Perroni F. Orbifold Cohomology of ADE-singularities. [Internet]. 2005 . Available from:
Feltrin G. Positive solutions to indefinite problems: a topological approach. 2016 .
Arici F. Principal circle bundles, Pimsner algebras and Gysin sequences. 2015 .
Rizzi M. Qualitative properties and construction of solutions to some semilinear elliptic PDEs. 2016 .
Sanna G. Rational curves and instantons on the Fano threefold Y_5. [Internet]. 2014 . Available from:
Tealdi L. The relaxed area of maps from the plane to the plane with a line discontinuity, and the role of semicartesian surfaces. 2015 .
Pustetto A. Semistability and Decorated Bundles. [Internet]. 2013 . Available from:
Mancini G. Sharp Inequalities and Blow-up Analysis for Singular Moser-Trudinger Embeddings. 2015 .
Sigalotti M. Single-Input Control Affine Systems: Local Regularity of Optimal Trajectories and a Geometric Controllability Problem. [Internet]. 2003 . Available from:
Teta A. Singular perturbation of the Laplacian and connections with models of random media. [Internet]. 1989 . Available from:


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