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Negri F, Manzoni A, Rozza G. Reduced basis approximation of parametrized optimal flow control problems for the Stokes equations. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2015 ;69:319–336.
Negri F, Rozza G, Manzoni A, Quarteroni A. Reduced basis method for parametrized elliptic optimal control problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 2013 ;35:A2316–A2340.
Rozza G, Manzoni A, Negri F. Reduction strategies for PDE-constrained oprimization problems in Haemodynamics. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012) J. Eberhardsteiner (eds.), Vienna, Austria, 10-14 sept. 2012 [Internet]. 2012 . Available from:

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