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Mathematical Analysis, Modelling, and Applications

The activity in mathematical analysis is mainly focussed on ordinary and partial differential equations, on dynamical systems, on the calculus of variations, and on control theory. Connections of these topics with differential geometry are also developed.The activity in mathematical modelling is oriented to subjects for which the main technical tools come from mathematical analysis. The present themes are multiscale analysismechanics of materialsmicromagneticsmodelling of biological systems, and problems related to control theory.The applications of mathematics developed in this course are related to the numerical analysis of partial differential equations and of control problems. This activity is organized in collaboration with MathLab for the study of problems coming from the real world, from industrial applications, and from complex systems.

Geometric control theory

  1. Control systems on smooth manifolds; orbits and attainable sets.
  2. Linear systems: controllability test.
  3. Chronological calculus.
  4. Orbits theorem of Nagano and Sussmann
  5. Rashevskij-Chow and Frobenius theorems.
  6. Nagano equivalence principle.
  7. Control of configurations ("fallen cats").
  8. Structure of attainable sets; Krener's theorem.
  9. Compatible vector fields. Relaxation.
  10. Nonwandering points and controllability.


Direct methods in the calculus of variations:

  • semicontinuity and convexity,
  • coerciveness and reflexivity,
  • relaxation and minimizing sequences,
  • properties of integral functionals.


  • definition and elementary properties,
  • convergence of minima and of minimizers,
  • sequential characterization of Gamma-limits,
  • Gamma-convergence in metric spaces and Yosida transform,
  • Gamma-convergence of quadratic functionals.



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