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A Day in Applied Mathematics: First joint meeting of the PoliMi and SISSA Student Chapters of SIAM

Thursday, April 21, 2016 - 13:45 to 18:45
Additional Information: 

To encourage the promotion of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science to students, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) supports the activities of local Student Chapters. Currently there are over 150 Chapters worldwide.

In Italy, the PoliMi Student Chapter (involving also Università degli Studi di Milano and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Brescia) has been founded in 2013, followed by the SISSA Student Chapter in 2015.

To promote mutual knowledge and networking among their students, the two Chapters organize their first joint meeting, with lectures by two leading experts in Applied Mathematics and short presentations by the students on their research.



13.45 - Opening, presentation of the two Chapters

14.20 - Luigi Preziosi (Politecnico di Torino): An overview of mathematical models for cell migration

15.10 - Adriana Garroni (Sapienza – Università di Roma): Variational models for defects in crystals

16.00 - Coffee break 

16.30 - Students' contributed talks

18.30 - Closure



PoliMi Student Chapter of SIAM:

SISSA Student Chapter of SIAM:


You can download the flyer of the event and the detailed program.

For further information please contact Paolo Gidoni (

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