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Positive periodic solutions of second order nonlinear equations with indefinite weight: Multiplicity results and complex dynamics

TitlePositive periodic solutions of second order nonlinear equations with indefinite weight: Multiplicity results and complex dynamics
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsBoscaggin, A, Zanolin, F
JournalJournal of Differential Equations
Pagination2922 - 2950
KeywordsComplex dynamics; Poincaré map; Positive periodic solutions; Subharmonics

We prove the existence of a pair of positive T-periodic solutions as well as the existence of positive subharmonic solutions of any order and the presence of chaotic-like dynamics for the scalar second order ODEu″+aλ,μ(t)g(u)=0, where g(x) is a positive function on R+, superlinear at zero and sublinear at infinity, and aλ,μ(t) is a T-periodic and sign indefinite weight of the form λa+(t)−μa−(t), with λ,μ>0 and large.


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