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AJS - Cicconofri - Snakes on a Plane

Giancarlo Cicconofri
Friday, April 24, 2015 - 14:00 to 15:30

I will present a model for snake-like locomotion on a planar surface. The "snake" consisting in a slender elastic object, internally activated. I will illustrate how to solve the equation of motion for this snake-model in two constrained settings: one in which the snake is placed inside a closely fitting channel, and the other in which it is subject to frictional forces that do not allow lateral slipping. The constraints in both cases lead to non-standard boundary conditions, that will be essential to prove existence and uniqueness of the locomotion problem. I will discuss the physics underlying the propulsion mechanism that enables the snake to translate internal activation into forward locomotion.

This seminar is part of the AJS series of seminars.

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