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A fully nonlinear potential model for ship hydrodynamics directly interfaced with CAD data structures

TitleA fully nonlinear potential model for ship hydrodynamics directly interfaced with CAD data structures
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2014
AuthorsMola, A, Heltai, L, DeSimone, A
Conference NameProceedings of the 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, 2014
Keywordsship hydrodynamics

We present a model for ship hydrodynamics simulations currently under development at SISSA. The model employs potential flow theory and fully nonlinear free surface boundary conditions. The spatial discretization of the equations is performed by means of a collocation BEM. This gives rise to a Differential Algbraic Equations (DAE) system, solved using an implicit BDF scheme to time advance the solution. The model has been implemented into a C++ software able to automatically generate the computational grids from the CAD geometry of the hull. Numerical results on Kriso KCS and KVLCC2 hulls are presented and discussed.

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