Personal Info
- 2018-present: Full Professor in Numerical Analysis
- 2016-present: SISSA Director's Delegate for Innovation, Valorisation, Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Industrial Cooperation
- 2016-present: Principal Investigator of the European Research Council Consolidator Grant AROMA-CFD (H2020 ERC CoG 2015, grant agreement 681447): "Advanced Reduced Order Methods with Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics"
- 2014-2017: Tenured Associate Professor in Numerical Analysis
- 2012-2014: SISSA Excellence Grant NOFYSAS, New Opportunities for Young Scientists at SISSA, " Computational and Geometrical Reduction Strategies for the Simulation, Control and Optimization of Complex Problems".
- Lauream cum Laude, Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (2002), Phd in Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (2005). Post-doc research associate at MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Computational Engineering (2006-08).
- Researcher and Lecturer (Bachelor and Doctoral classes and summer schools) at EPFL (2008-2012).
- Excellence research grant (NOFYSAS) at SISSA (2012-2014), International School for Advanced Studies, in Trieste with an independent research project in the field of numerical analysis and computational science and engineering.
He is a member of the recently created (2010) SISSA mathLab laboratory. Research Affiliate at MIT since 2008. He is lecturer in the SISSA doctoral program in Mathematical Analysis, Modelling and Applications since 2013, in the SISSA-ICTP master in High Performance Computing and at the master degree in Mathematics of University of Trieste since 2014. Author of more than 90 scientific publications (editor of two books and author of two books). Co-advisor of 14 master thesis since 2004, co-director of 7 PhD theses (4 at EPFL and 3 at Politecnico di Milano) since 2009. PI/coPI of 4 projects at FNS, Swiss National Science Foundation (2006-2012), task coordinator for an ERC project (2009-2013), coordinator of three INDAM-GNCS projects (2015-2017), Principal Investigator of an ERC Consolidator Grant (H2020) and local PI of H2020 ITN ROMSOC project for European Industrial Doctorate. Within SISSA mathLab he is responsible of UBE (Under Water Blue Efficiency project), SOPHYA and PRELICA projects, within the technological cluster MARE tc FVG (PAR-FSC and POR-FESR FVG regional projects), co-responsible of TRIM project (within the Technological Cluster Trasporti 2020), and responsible of industrial projects with local industries worldwide leaders, such as Danieli, Bormioli and Fincantieri. Winner of the 2004 Bill Morton CFD Prize (Oxford University); MIT fellowship for his research in CFD (2005); ECCOMAS Award 2006 for the best Phd Thesis in applied sciences and engineering. Springer Computational Science and Engineering prize in 2009 for the development of a reduced basis software library for computational mechanics problems (rbMIT), recipient of the 2014 ECCOMAS young investigator Jacques Louis Lions Award in Computational Mathematics for researcher under 40 years old. He has been invited speaker at more than 60 national and international conferences or workshops. He has organized national and international workshops and served in the scientific and organizing committee of some conferences, in particular SIAM CSE13 in Boston, MoRePaS 2015 at SISSA, IACM FEF 2017 in Rome, QUIET 2017 at SISSA. He is in the management committee for EU-MORNET COST (Model Reduction Network, Cooperation in Science and Technology of European Union), representing Italy, and chair of one workgroup (methodological developments). He is associate editor of SIAM/ASA Journal of Uncertainty Quantification since 2013, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis since 2015, Computing and Visualization in Science since 2016. He is in the scientific committee of ARPA FVG, Friuli Venezia Giulia Agency for Environment Protection. In the quater 2018-2021 he is serving in the Applied Mathematics Committee of European Mathematical Society (EMS).