Research Topics
- Frobenius manifolds and quantum cohomologies.
- Isomonodromy deformations with applications to the geometry of Frobenius manifolds and Painleve' type equations.
- Moduli spaces in the theory of integrable systems.
- Theory of nonlinear waves, oscillatory behavior, critical phenomena Painleve' equations and Riemann-Hilbert problems.
- Theta-functions of Riemann surfaces, Painleve' transcendents and other special functions in integrable systems and nonlinear waves.
- Integrable structures in random matrix theory and other random objects.
Research Group
Gregorio Falqui, Professor
Tamara Grava, Associate Professor
Davide Guzzetti, Associate Professor
Visiting Professors
Main External Collaborators
Antonio Ponno, University of Padova, Italy
Paolo Lorenzoni, University of Milano Bicocca
Alexander Tovbis, University of Central Florida, USA
Francesco Mezzadri, University of Bristol, UK
Simonetta Abenda, University of Bologna
Thomas Kriecherbauer, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Mattia Cafasso, University of Angers, France
Alexander Its, Purdue University, USA
Dmitry Korotkin, Concordia University, Canada
Ken McLaughlin, Colorado State University, USA
Guilherme Almeida, External Collaborator
- Upcoming Seminars, Geometry and Mathematical Physics
- Public online seminar webpage: SISSA's Integrable Systems and Mathematical Physics seminar
Current Master Students
- Giacomo Umer
- Maria De Martino
Future Conferences
- Workshop "Integrable systems around the world", 14-16 September 2020
- Conference "Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Conference in Memory of Boris Dubrovin", 28 June- 2 July 2021, SISSA
- Workshop "Tau Functions, correlation functions and applications", 29 August to 3 of September 2021, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, New York, USA. Organizers M. Bertola, J. Harnad, J. Hurtubise, A. Its, D. Korotkin
- Workshop "Integrable structures in random matrix theory and beyond", 18-22 October 2021 MSRI, Berkeley. Organizers: J. Baik, A. Borodin, T. Grava, A. Its, S. Péché
Workshops and Conferences
- School-Conference: Mixing, Control, Random matrices and Point Processes, 16-27 September 2019, ICTP
- Workshop: Integrability and Nonlinear Dispersive Equations, 24 - 28 June 2019, Luminy, France
- Conference Integrability and Randomness in Mathematical Physics and Geometry, 8-12 April 2019, Luminy, France
- School Coulomb Gas, Integrability and Painleve' Equations, 11-15 March 2019, CIRM, Luminy, France
- Workshop Tau functions of integrable systems and their application, 2-8 September 2018, Banff Research Centre, Canada
- Geometry of integrable systems, 7-9 June 2017 SISSA, Trieste, Italy
- Asymptotic and computational aspects of complex differential equations, February 13-17 2017, CRM, Pisa, Italy
- Womath SISSA, 7-9 September 2016, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
- Conference "Hamiltonian PDEs, Frobenius Manifold and geometry of Deligne Mumford, moduli spaces", 16-20 September 2013, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
- "Advanced School/Workshop Random Matrices and Growth models", 2-13 September 2013, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
- Past Activities
- Italian MIUR Research Project: Geometric and analytic theory of Hamiltonian systems in finite and infinite dimensions, 2013-2015, 2010-2011, 2007-2008, 2005-2006. P.I. B. Dubrovin, co-P.I. G. Falqui, T. Grava, D. Guzzetti.
European Networks
- Horizon2020 RISE Network IPADEGAN 2018-2022 P.I.: T. Grava, co-P.I.: M. Bertola, D. Guzzetti.
- FP7 IRSES project RIMMP, Random and Integrable Models in Mathematical Physics 2010- 2014 P.I.: T. Grava, co-P.I.: B. Dubrovin, D. Guzzetti.
- ERC Advanced Grant FroM-PDE "Frobenius Manifolds and Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations" (Advanced Investigator Grant Scheme 2009-2013) (Principal investigator B. Dubrovin)
- ESF Scientific Programme "Methods of Integrable Systems, Geometry, Applied Mathematics" (MISGAM 2004-2009) (Proponents B. Dubrovin and P. Van Moerbeke)
- Marie Curie RTN "European Network in Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Applications" (ENIGMA 2004-2008) (Project Coordinator G. Falqui)