Data Update
May you notice any obsolete information about one or more PhD thesis, please contact the current webmaster(s) .
Giuseppe Pitton ,
2017-2018 ,
Numerical study of dispersive shock waves in the KPI equation
Related publication(s):
Gleb Smirnov ,
2017-2018 ,
Symplectic Isotopy Conjecture for elliptic ruled surfaces.
Related publication(s):
Ivan Beschastnyi ,
2017-2018 ,
Jacobi Fields in Optimal Control
Jacopo Bassi ,
2017-2018 ,
On C*-algebras associated to Horocycle Flows
Advisor(s):Wilhelm Winter
Related publication(s):
Khazhgali Kozhasov ,
2017-2018 ,
Extremal and typical results in real algebraic geometry
Related publication(s):
Lorenzo Guglielmi ,
2017-2018 ,
Symplectic invariants of integrable Hamiltonian systems with singularities
Advisor(s):Alexey V. Bolsinov
Related publication(s):
Luca Cesarano ,
2017-2018 ,
Canonical surfaces and hypersurfaces in Abelian Varieties
Advisor(s):Fabrizio Catanese
Related publication(s):
Matteo Caorsi ,
2017-2018 ,
Mathematical Methods for 4d N=2 QFTs
Advisor(s):Sergio Cecotti
Raffaele Scandone ,
2017-2018 ,
Non-linear Schrödinger equations with singular perturbations and with rough magnetic potentials
Related publication(s):
- Point-Like Perturbed Fractional Laplacians Through Shrinking Potentials of Finite Range (2019)
- Zero modes and low-energy resolvent expansion for three dimensional Schrodinger operators with point interactions (2019)
- Singular Hartree equation in fractional perturbed Sobolev spaces (2018)
- Lp-Boundedness of Wave Operators for the Three-Dimensional Multi-Centre Point Interaction (2018)
- On fractional powers of singular perturbations of the Laplacian (2018)
- Global, finite energy, weak solutions for the NLS with rough, time-dependent magnetic potentials (2018)
- Fractional powers and singular perturbations of quantum differential Hamiltonians (2018)
- On real resonances for the three-dimensional, multi-centre point interaction (2018)
- Dispersive Estimates for Schrödinger Operators with Point Interactions in ℝ3 (2017)
Riccardo Iraso ,
2017-2018 ,
Two-Dimensional Gauge Theories in BV Formalism and Gluing-Cutting
Advisor(s):Pavel Mnev
Related publication(s):
Shafqat Ali ,
2017-2018 ,
Stabilized reduced basis methods for the approximation of parametrized viscous flows
Ui ri Mun ,
2017-2018 ,
Constructions of stable generalized complex 6-manifolds and their fundamental groups
Carolina Biolo ,
2016-2017 ,
Switching in time-optimal problem
Chiara Rigoni ,
2016-2017 ,
Cohomology and other analytical aspects of RCD spaces
Related publication(s):
Elio Marconi ,
2016-2017 ,
Structure and regularity of solutions to nonlinear scalar conservation laws
Related publication(s):
- Regularity estimates for scalar conservation laws in one space dimension (2018)
- A Lagrangian approach for scalar multi-d conservation laws (2017)
- Lagrangian representations for linear and nonlinear transport (2017)
- On the concentration of entropy for scalar conservation laws (2016)
- On the structure of $L^\infty$-entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws in one-space dimension (2016)
Filippo Giuliani ,
2016-2017 ,
KAM for quasi-linear PDE's
Giordano Cotti ,
2016-2017 ,
Geometry and Analytic Theory of Semisimple Coalescent Frobenius Structures: An Isomonodromic approach to Quantum Cohomology and Helix Structures in Derived Categories
Related publication(s):
- Isomonodromy deformations at an irregular singularity with coalescing eigenvalues (2019)
- Local moduli of semisimple Frobenius coalescent structures (2018)
- Analytic geometry of semisimple coalescent Frobenius structures (2017)
- Coalescence Phenomenon of Quantum Cohomology of Grassmannians and the Distribution of Prime Numbers (2016)
Lorenzo Nardini ,
2016-2017 ,
A mathematical analysis of a one dimensional model for dynamic debonding
Related publication(s):
- Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a one dimensional debonding model with damping (2018)
- On the Quasistatic Limit of Dynamic Evolutions for a Peeling Test in Dimension One (2018)
- Analysis of a Dynamic Peeling Test with Speed-Dependent Toughness (2018)
- A Note on the Convergence of Singularly Perturbed Second Order Potential-Type Equations (2017)
- On the 1D wave equation in time-dependent domains and the problem of debond initiation (2017)
- Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a peeling test in dimension one (2016)
Luca Tamanini ,
2016-2017 ,
Analysis and geometry of RCD spaces via the Schrödinger problem
Advisor(s):Christian Léonard
Related publication(s):
- Benamou–Brenier and duality formulas for the entropic cost on RCD*(K,N) spaces (2019)
- An entropic interpolation proof of the HWI inequality (2019)
- Second order differentiation formula on RCD(K, N) spaces (2018)
- Second order differentiation formula on RCD*(K,N) spaces (2018)
- Second order differentiation formula on compact RCD*(K,N) spaces (2017)
Nicola Giuliani ,
2016-2017 ,
Modelling Fluid Structure Interaction problems using Boundary Element Method
Related publication(s):
- BlackNUFFT: Modular customizable black box hybrid parallelization of type 3 NUFFT in 3D (2019)
- π-BEM : A flexible parallel implementation for adaptive , geometry aware , and high order boundary element methods (2018)
- Predicting and Optimizing Microswimmer Performance from the Hydrodynamics of Its Components: The Relevance of Interactions (2018)
- deal2lkit: A toolkit library for high performance programming in deal.II (2018)
- FEM SUPG stabilisation of mixed isoparametric BEMs: application to linearised free surface flows (2015)
Paolo Bonicatto ,
2016-2017 ,
Untangling of trajectories for non-smooth vector fields and Bressan's Compactness Conjecture
Related publication(s):
- Failure of the Chain Rule in the Non Steady Two-Dimensional Setting (2018)
- On Uniqueness of Weak Solutions to Transport Equation with Non-smooth Velocity Field (2018)
- A Lagrangian approach for scalar multi-d conservation laws (2017)
- Lagrangian representations for linear and nonlinear transport (2017)
- A uniqueness result for the decomposition of vector fields in Rd (2017)
- Renormalization for Autonomous Nearly Incompressible BV Vector Fields in Two Dimensions (2016)
Shokhrukh Kholmatov ,
2016-2017 ,
Minimizing movements for mean curvature evolutions of droplets and partitions
Aditya Bawane ,
2015-2016 ,
New Results in the AGT Correspondence
Advisor(s):Giulio Bonelli
Related publication(s):
Alice Ambrosio ,
2015-2016 ,
Quasi-periodic Solutions for a PDE model arising in hydrodynamics
Benjamin Kipkirui Kikwai ,
2015-2016 ,
Multiplicativity of the Generating Functions for Refined Node Polynomials on Toric Surfaces
Related publication(s):
Fosco Loregian ,
2015-2016 ,
t-structures on stable (infinity,1)-categories
Related publication(s):
Francesco Boarotto ,
2015-2016 ,
Topics in sub-Riemannian geometry
Gianluca Orlando ,
2015-2016 ,
Some results on cohesive energies: approximation, lower semicontinuity and quasistatic evolution
Related publication(s):
- Cohesive fracture with irreversibility: Quasistatic evolution for a model subject to fatigue (2018)
- Lower semicontinuity of a class of integral functionals on the space of functions of bounded deformation (2017)
- Fracture models for elasto-plastic materials as limits of gradient damage models coupled with plasticity: the antiplane case (2016)
- Laplace equation in a domain with a rectilinear crack: higher order derivatives of the energy with respect to the crack length (2014)
Guglielmo Feltrin ,
2015-2016 ,
Positive solutions to indefinite problems: a topological approach
Related publication(s):
- Positive solutions for super-sublinear indefinite problems: high multiplicity results via coincidence degree (2018)
- Positive subharmonic solutions to nonlinear ODEs with indefinite weight (2018)
- A note on a fixed point theorem on topological cylinders (2017)
- Multiplicity of positive periodic solutions in the superlinear indefinite case via coincidence degree (2017)
- Multiple positive solutions of a sturm-liouville boundary value problem with conflicting nonlinearities (2017)
- An application of coincidence degree theory to cyclic feedback type systems associated with nonlinear differential operators (2017)
- Pairs of positive periodic solutions of nonlinear ODEs with indefinite weight: a topological degree approach for the super-sublinear case (2016)
- Existence of positive solutions in the superlinear case via coincidence degree: the Neumann and the periodic boundary value problems (2015)
- Existence of positive solutions of a superlinear boundary value problem with indefinite weight (2015)
- Multiple positive solutions for a superlinear problem: a topological approach (2015)
Jacopo Vittorio Scalise ,
2015-2016 ,
Framed symplectic sheaves on surfaces and their ADHM data
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